Book reviews and comments:

Review by writer and Out-of-Body Explorer Bob Peterson

Reader’s Comments:

“I could not put this book down.....if it was not in my hand it was on my mind till I finished it. I felt it had changed me by the time I had finished and will be re-reading it ...”

“There is also great sense of honesty and humility here. The Ten Minute Moment is like a meditation in itself. I could easily imagine that if I had the option of entering a solitary retreat in nature with one book or text, the Ten Minute Moment would easily be among my first choices. I haven't come across anything quite like it.”

“Jurgen’s testimony is a rare gift, in my opinion, which describes in detail some of the supernormal potentials within the greater consciousness that we all share in and have our being.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was an excellent recounting of the author's inner experience during an intensive meditation retreat. It seemed to remind me of something so beautiful and profound at one point that I was crying. I think the sort of enlightenment experience reported in the book is the culmination of decades of dedicated spiritual practice, and I'm grateful we have people like Ziewe willing to share some of their path for others to be inspired.”

A glimpse into a life long exploration and dedication to truth and ultimate reality

“The first time I read 'The Ten Minute' I spontaneously placed my palms into prayer, took a deep breath and felt overwhelming joy and gratitude in the depths of my being.

This gem of a book is a week long exploration of awareness. I was touched and moved by the generosity this text offers the reader. I just re read it and like when I read Multidimensional Man, am encouraged to continue with my practice and deepen further into truth. Reading Ziewe's book, his personal dedicated and life long exploration and commitment to truth and uncovering reality is a real inspiration. If you enjoyed Multidimensional Man this is a week long version of that, a snippet into a life long practice. It's great to come back to at any point too. If you haven't heard of Jurgen Ziewe, I highly recommend his website 'multidimensional man' too.”


“If you enjoyed Multidimensional man as much as I did you will love this, it is written from truth and can you in a place of awe. Highly recommended.”

“I could not put this book down.....if it was not in my hand it was on my mind till I finished it. I felt it had changed me by the time I had finished and will be re-reading it this Christmas...perhaps a bit more slowly. I reckon it may take you on a very private and personal journey, as Jurgen's openness and honesty of his thoughts, feelings, experiences is extraordinarily refreshing. I have never come across anyone so open and honest 100%”